7 tipes for work morale enhancement - Peoplix

7 types of work morale enhancement

Poor morale affects work results, company culture, teamwork, and has many other indirect effects.


People are often looking for quick solutions. Pills work at times, but in the vast majority of cases it only remove short-term symptoms, not the cause.


It is easy to criticize individuals, the quality of recruitment, the lack of workers in the labor market. But the problem is usually elsewhere: in leadership. Bad working ethics is a managerial problem.


Everyone sometimes does a great job in their lives. Often but not for your employer.


Common causes of demotion

Here are some reasons why people can not enjoy the job.

1. Boredom

People need to experience success, both personal and corporate. Growth is motivating itself. Growth involves overcoming obstacles that people enjoy. To be engaged, he needs challenges.

2. Ambiguity

Unclear expectations, lack of sense, absence of vision. One needs his efforts to go somewhere. If he does the job just because he has to, then his results will probably be worthless. The motivation requires information that is not directly related to the performed work.

3. Changes

Every change poses a threat. We know the past, the future not. Our head tends to predict the future based on the past. Changes take this opportunity, so we do not like it. The sense of danger is demotivating.

4. Leadership

Špatné vedení je nejčastější příčinou demotivace. Práce s lidmi je řemeslo jako každé jiné, dobré úmysly ke skvělým výsledkům většinou nestačí. Kultura, kde se očekává jiné chování v roli podřízeného i nadřízeného klade na většinu manažerů velké nároky: jsou střídavě v rolí šéfa i podřízeného.

Poor leadership is the most common cause of demotivation. Working with people is a craft like any other, good intentions for great results are usually not enough. A culture, where different behaviours in the role of subordinate and superior are expected, is challenging for most managers: they are alternately in the role of boss and subordinate.

Tips for improving morale

Increasing engagement of people is not a rocket science. Key role is played by trust and openness. Building trust is a long-term issue, losing fast on the other hand.

If you follow the following principles, your people’s working ethics will improve.

1. Be open

If you look like nothing is happening then a standard will be created from the undesired state. In the short term, sweet lies may be more pleasant, but experience says that in the long run people appreciate openness. Calling things with a real name is worthwhile.

2. Praise

In difficult times it is important to experience at least a small victory. It is said to be the most motivating rating, containing 70% of praise and 30% of criticism. Those who believe that “good work is a standard, so there is no point in talking to them” is on the best way to a demotivated team.

3. Do not waste people

Difficult tasks are motivating, impossible tasks are killing. Long overtime, permanent stress, fatigue, and exhaustion are not a reason for pride, but a sign of stupidity. You may meet quarter goals, but close your business.

4. Invest in leaders

The best horses in the stable rides the best rider. The best horses are employees in every company, make sure that professionals know their craft. The manager may not be able to do the work of his subordinates but should be able to do the job of a manager.

5. Let people grow

Learning is one of the basic abilities that preserves life in the living nature. Although this does not seem to be the case, the need to learn is up to an advanced age. Its loss leads to degeneration and death. If we do not give people the opportunity to grow at work, we will kill their motivation.

6. Work with feedback

Praise is better than criticism, criticism is better than lack of interest. People need to see the results of their work, they want comparison. The interest in the other’s opinion is a manifestation of respect, so a good boss should ask a lot.

7. Strengthen the team spirit

Man is a social being and wants to be a part of the group. Difficult periods are easier to manage when we are not alone. The more activities you will be doing in a team, the better you will achieve. This is true for both working and non-working activities.


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